A class to enjoy Relifts medicinal tea and English conversation
We will focus on correcting English pronunciation while drinking medicinal tea that matches the season. You will also learn expressions that can be used when traveling abroad. Pronunciation of English uses not only the tip of the mouth, but also the muscles around the mouth, the tongue and the throat. Maybe there are fewer foreigners who have sagging around their mouths when they get older!? Also, if you can pronounce properly, you will gradually be able to hear English. You won't be misunderstood or get food that isn't what you ordered when you travel abroad.
Relifts – Relax, Lifting, Fun, Tightening Shimmering/Smile
Once or twice a month
10 tickets 19,800 5 tickets 11,000 1 single ticket 2,500 (draft)
Included in the price, 1 type of medicinal tea, sweets, English pronunciation coaching fee